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What is Google DSC?


Google Developer Student Club is part of the Google Developer Program, which is a university-based community for students to learn latest technologies and exchange ideas.

Google 學生開發者社群是Google開發者計畫之下的一個大專院校社群,讓所有對科技有興趣的同學能夠學習Google最新的技術及交流各自的想法

How does this program work?

The organizer of this community is Google DSC Lead, who was selected through interview with Google Developer Program. In the next year (2021~2022), Google DSC Lead has to organize multiple workshops, study jams or forums.

Beside Google DSC Lead, you can also join this community by two following ways:

The details are all listed in "Recruitment Details" page below


本社群之籌辦人為Google Developer經過面試所選出之Google DSC Lead,在接下來的一年當中(2021-2022)需要在校內籌辦各種工作坊、論壇、讀書會等。

而此社群除了Google DSC Lead以外,還可以透過兩種身份參加


Basically, what core members have to do is to assist Google DSC Lead with various of events, including marketing, technology, teaching etc. After finishing the one-year program, a certificate for the contribution to the community will be issued. Moreover, core members can connect with Google DSC members from all over the world and have access to various Google events.

General members can attend each workshops to learn various latest technologies.

In March, all general member should team up to attend Google Solution Challenge, which requires a proposal related to SDGs and prototypes using technologies provided by Google. (e.g. Using Flutter to create website or application, using TensorFlow to build image recognition models)

Besides, each group will present and demonstrate the results on Google DSC Demo Day. After finishing the one-year program, a certificate of completion will be issued to each general member.

基本上,核心成員的工作就是協助Google DSC Lead舉辦各項活動,工作內容包括行銷、技術、教學等,一年結業後提供**「核心成員」認證證書**。除此之外,可以和世界各地的Google DSC成員們交流,也可以有優先參與Google各活動的權利。


在每年三月份時有一個活動稱為Google Solution Challenge,必須發想有關SDGs的提案,並且透過Google所提供的技術打造自己的Prototype(e.g. 用Flutter 打造用戶互動網頁、軟體;用TensorFlow打造圖片識別模型等)除此之外,每年的五月份需在校內的Google DSC Demoday發表自己團隊的產品並進行演示。一年結業之後提供**「學員」認證證書**。

What are the benefits?


Recruitment Details

The details are all listed in the two following pages

Core Member Recruitment(English Version)

General Member Recruitment(English Version)

No technical background are welcomed !

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us


Google Developer Student Club @Taipei Medical University | LinkedIn


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Looking forward to seeing you!



Core Member Recruitment(中文版)

General Member Recruitment(中文版)




Google Developer Student Club @Taipei Medical University | LinkedIn


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